Lake of Fire

Lagoa do Fogo is a lake inside the caldera of the Água de Pau Massif stratovolcano. The volcano is located in the center of Sao Miguel island in the Azores. This volcano is the youngest of several volcanoes on the island. It is estimated to be 15,000 years old. The volcano collapse unto itself about 5,000 years ago when the lake was formed. The last eruption occurred in the late 16th century.

Lagoa do Fogo is the highest of all the lakes on Sao Miguel. It’s surface is at approximately 1,800 feet above sea Level. The lake is located in a natural protective zone. It is access by several hiking trails.

In the Clouds

You can see the volcano from the harbor of Ponta Delgada. It usually has a cloud hovering near the top.

Pesciero – Local Swimming Area -Água de Pau Massif Volcano in the Distance

I have made several attempts to visit Lagoa do Fogo. All, or much of the lake was obscured by clouds, rain, fog, or mist each time I was at the top.

Lagoa do Fogo in the clouds

Clear Skies

I had made arrangements for a rental car and picked it up today. There was a beautiful sunrise. The clouds south of the island were red and orange. The sky was clear overhead. There were no clouds over the islands, which is unusual, especially for this time of year.

There were clear blue skies!

I quickly packed my camera gear and put it in the back of the car. Then, I drove about 30 minutes of highway, followed by twisty turning roads that seemed to have an endless number of switch-backs.

It was a fun drive! I wished I had a sportier car, but the Opal Corsa did get me to the top with no issues… and getting to the top was the object.

The Hike

My hike started at the top of the caldera at about 3,100 feet above sea-level. From there, hiking down to the lake. I had never seen the whole lake before except in pictures. The scene is breathtaking! The trail was well maintained. It too had switch-back after switch-back. So, the perspective was constantly changing as I got deeper into the caldera and closer to the lake.

Halfway Down to the Lake a New Perspective

The hike is not technical by any means. It is just steep terrain. I went there after the area had several weeks of rainy weather. So, the beaches on the lake were submerged. I was not going to trek through the water to reach the one and only beach still above water. I stayed at the bottom of the trail to enjoy the view.

Near the bottom of the trail, there is one ladder to be ascended/descended. Otherwise, the trail has been groomed with steps. Climbing back up the trail certainly got my heart rate up. It was a steep climb. I didn’t feel bad stopping for a drink and to catch my breath. Each spot I stopped, there were couples half my age doing the same. 🙂

This ladder was built in-place for this one steeper section

A Special Day

I couldn’t have asked for a better day to visit the Lake of Fire.

I see the volcano everyday, but rarely see the top. So, to see it in its entirety was really something special.

A rare view of Lagoa do Fogo

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